About Me

My photo
Louisiana, United States
I am an elementary art teacher, teaching grades first through sixth at Calvary Academy in Louisiana- I have enjoyed art for as long as I can remember, but what I really enjoy most, is watching my students open their minds to create brilliant masterpieces that they don't believe they can do! I like expressing my thoughts, emotions, and dreams in a way that may help my students to do the same! I hope you enjoy our elementary portfolio, and if you are an art teacher, you can gain some ideas! Thanks for looking:) All of us have an art form, whether we realize it or not~ what is important in life, is trying find it and become complete with it. ~Rebecca Robinson

Welcome to my world...

Where thoughts, dreams, and feelings come alive for eveyrone to enjoy!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


MUSIC IS ART~ Help beat the world record for the most guitar players playing the same song, at the same time, at the James Burton guitar festival! Scott McPherson, Rebecca Robinson, Trey Robinson, Jared Woods, Anna Woods, and Bobby Robinson will be attending. If you know three chords on the guitar, come join us and about three thousand others, in trying to set a new world record! For more info go to www.JamesBurtonMusic.com

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Look

Created 8/2/09 325.00~ 24"x 12" oil on canvas

Slide show